Profile Salvatos

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Vertical Timelines

Vertical Timelines

340 51

Distributes your timeline events along an actual vertical line and pops the dates out of the title bar.

Scrollable Main Sidebar

Scrollable Main Sidebar

405 48

Makes the main sidebar independently scrollable and visible on-screen no matter how far down the page you are (desktop only).

Mention Type Indicators

Mention Type Indicators

259 31

Adds an icon after every entity mention to indicate the type of entity in question.

Calendar: Inverted Full Moon Icons

Calendar: Inverted Full Moon Icons

135 24

Inverts calendar moon icons so that full moons are represented by a filled circle and new moons are hollow.

DnD5 Conditions

DnD5 Conditions

179 20
D&D 5e

Adds all DnD 5th edition conditions to your campaign as Notes, which can be styled via my companion theme DnD5 Condition Tooltips.

Redacted Text

Redacted Text

14 13

Renders a segment of text "invisible" (black on black) and adds a "REDACTED" mention on top of it.

Dashboard: Default Widget Banner

Dashboard: Default Widget Banner

37 11

Gives a customizable default header image to entity previews when the entity doesn’t have one, for a more colorful and height-consistent dashboard.

Entity Box Backgrounds

Entity Box Backgrounds

67 11

Adds background, padding, borders and box-shadow to entity sidebars and post headings - mainly intended for campaigns with a background image.

Responsive Image Gallery

Responsive Image Gallery

20 9

Turns a series of images into a responsive gallery of expandable images, for desktop and mobile.

Drawer Sidebar

Drawer Sidebar

13 9

Shrinks the main sidebar to show only icons until hovered, which draws out a scrollable menu (desktop only).

Scrollable Map Sidebar

Scrollable Map Sidebar

70 9
Abandoned Sidebar

Modifies the map Explore sidebar to optimize space and keep some information and buttons on-screen at all times (desktop only).

Tori’s Pathfinder 2 Character Sheet Mk II

Tori’s Pathfinder 2 Character Sheet Mk II

30 8

A partial character sheet for Pathfinder 2, focused on ability scores, skills and defenses. Supports Guardian Dark and other dark themes.

Easy Tabs

Easy Tabs

40 7

Provides a reasonably simple framework to create tabbed content in your entities and toggle between tabs.

External Link Icon and Styling

External Link Icon and Styling

43 7

Adds a recognizable icon after external links in entity content areas and provides custom properties to style them further.

Extraordinary Tooltips

Extraordinary Tooltips

11 6

Create complex tooltips with full HTML support and transclude content from any entity’s entry or attribute.