Character sheets
Garalea Character Details
A truncated D&D 5e Character Sheet for use in the Garalea campaign setting.
Vehicle's Weapon Sheet Star Wars
A vehicle's weapon sheet, initially designed for Star Wars but that can surely be useful for other RPG.
Ficha de personaje - RPG
Una ficha de personaje para insertar Historia / Psicologia / Stats; ideada inicialmente para un foro, fue expo ...
Tales From Everwhere
This is a template of a character passport for the "Tales From Everwhere" community campaign.The current code ...
LUA5e CharSheet
A Minimal Level Up Advanced 5e Character Sheet - Not everything is implemented, but it's got everything I need for my campaign.
Timelines in posts
Creates horizontal timelines that can be used in posts to show in an entity’s overview or in a dashboard widget.
Daggerheart (Beta 1.5)
An interactive, responsive Daggerheart sheet with live editing for frequently-used numbers and level-up perks.
Not seeing what you need? Some of our community members are open to commissions to build the plugin that you need!