Character sheets

GB:CTE Ghost Sheet
A Monster Template based on the original Ghostbusters game, plus elements of GBI, and Ghostbusters Resurrectio ...

A sheet for NPCs based on the original Ghostbusters game, plus elements of GBI, and Ghostbusters Resurrection. ...

Vampiro Edad Oscura Roma
Adaptación de las fichas de Vampiro 20 aniversario para jugar Roma edad Oscura.
A minimalist statblock template for custom creatures to be used in DSA 4.1 (Das Schwarze Auge / The Dark Eye). ...

Shiny Traveller
Character Sheet based on Moongoose Traveller. Variation for my Firefly/Serenity-Game, with some skills removed ...

Shiny Traveller Ships
Ships Character Sheet based on Moongoose Traveller for my Firefly/Serenity Game.

Vampiro: La Mascarada v20 - Extendida
Se toma por base el plugin original de helionking y posteriormente la corrección realizada por mi en Vampiro: ...

HTML Template Engine
Turns entities into HTML templates that can be reused throughout your campaign with ad hoc content.
Legend of the Five Rings 5th Edition (Edge)
A Character sheet for the Fantasy Flight/Edge Legends of the Five Rings 5th Edition game.
Not seeing what you need? Some of our community members are open to commissions to build the plugin that you need!