Character sheets

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LUA5e CharSheet
A Minimal Level Up Advanced 5e Character Sheet - Not everything is implemented, but it's got everything I need for my campaign.

Shiny Traveller
Character Sheet based on Moongoose Traveller. Variation for my Firefly/Serenity-Game, with some skills removed ...

Shiny Traveller Ships
Ships Character Sheet based on Moongoose Traveller for my Firefly/Serenity Game.

A sheet for NPCs based on the original Ghostbusters game, plus elements of GBI, and Ghostbusters Resurrection. ...
Pf2e Skulls & Shackles Ship Statblock
A quick and dirty ship stat-block used in pathfinder 2e Skulls & Shackles.
Legend of the Five Rings 5th Edition (Edge)
A Character sheet for the Fantasy Flight/Edge Legends of the Five Rings 5th Edition game.
Dune TTRPG character sheet
BetaA basic, text-only implementation of the stat sheets from the Dune 2d20 TTRPG
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