Campaign themes

WestMarches - Dark Mode Theme

WestMarches - Dark Mode Theme

49 18

A dark and refined theme in a survival dark fantasy atmosphere where the colors selected have been chosen to represent the darkness of a starry night

Easy Tabs

Easy Tabs

48 7

Provides a reasonably simple framework to create tabbed content in your entities and toggle between tabs.

External Link Icon and Styling

External Link Icon and Styling

47 7

Adds a recognizable icon after external links in entity content areas and provides custom properties to style them further.

Bigger "Explore" Map Button

Bigger "Explore" Map Button

Make the "Explore" map button in the map entity big enough to actually notice... this is very specific..entity ...

Calendar: Inverted Quarter Moon Icons

Calendar: Inverted Quarter Moon Icons

43 4

Inverts first and last quarter moon icons on calendars to make the first quarter visible on the right, and the last on the left.

Simplified Timelines

Simplified Timelines

40 16

Hides the side entity menu and main entry for timelines, leaving only the Eras and Elements. Also changes spac ...

[REDACTED] Hidden Links

[REDACTED] Hidden Links

39 15

Changes private or deleted links from being Unknown to a stamp showing they are hidden.NOTE: You must put this ...

Pin Privacy Icons

Pin Privacy Icons

39 6

Adds an icon next to pinned attribute and connection names in the entity sidebar to show their visibility setting.

Dashboard: Default Widget Banner

Dashboard: Default Widget Banner

37 11

Gives a customizable default header image to entity previews when the entity doesn’t have one, for a more colorful and height-consistent dashboard.

Stone Buttons

Stone Buttons

37 5

Changes all standard buttons to a stone texture.

Keep Map Layers Visible

Keep Map Layers Visible

34 5

Keeps the top-right layer/marker dropdown open at all times in map Explore mode and dashboard widgets, to make those options more obvious to visitors.


Map Sidebar Optimization

32 1

Provides a number of formatting and scrolling improvements to the side panel of map Explore views.

Center marker on maps

Center marker on maps

30 5

Changing the focus point of a map marker from the lower tip to the center of the circle. With this, you can ge ...

Handwritten Journal

Handwritten Journal

27 19

It's recommended you understand basic HTML to use this.This is a somewhat simple plugin to allow you to create ...

Simplified Journals

Simplified Journals

27 11

Hides the sidebar for journals to allow the entity to display in full width.

Not seeing what you need? Some of our community members are open to commissions to build the plugin that you need!