Pin Privacy Icons

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Installations 35 Likes 5

A simple plugin that adds a lock icon next to pinned attribute and connection names in the entity sidebar (and dashboard widgets set to show pinned attributes/connections) to indicate whether they are public or private. Never second-guess yourself again with hiding sensitive information!

Since only campaign admins can see private attributes anyway, the plugin keeps things tidy by never showing attribute lock icons to other users. Everyone can see connection visibility icons so they can keep track of their own player secrets.

Important note: The "Private Attributes" option that hides all attributes to non-admins regardless of their individual settings cannot be taken into account by this plugin. If you enable it, the icons will still show the individual privacy setting of each attribute. Therefore, attributes marked as public may in fact be hidden by this other setting.


By default, the plugin shows icons for each possible status: locked or unlocked for attributes, and all five visibility options for connections. You can add the following lines to your campaign CSS under Campaign > Theming to hide any of the icons if you only want a reminder for some of those states. Or add content between the quotation marks to use a different icon, emoji or text =)

/* Turn off pinned attribute privacy icons */
:root {
	--public-attribute-icon: ""; /* Remove this line to show the unlocked icon again */
	--private-attribute-icon: ""; /* Remove this line to show the locked icon again */
	--self-only-connection-icon: ""; /* Remove this line to show the Me Only icon again */
	--self-admins-connection-icon: ""; /* Remove this line to show the Me and Admins icon again */
	--members-only-connection-icon: ""; /* Remove this line to show the Members Only icon again */

Alternatively, you could turn off icons for most users but display them for admins by replacing :root { with this selector in the above code:

body:not(.is-admin) {

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Latest version 2

Released 1 year ago

Now also handles pinned connections.