Pf2e Skulls & Shackles Ship Statblock en-US en

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Ship Info

  • ship_name: Name of the ship.
  • ship_size: Size of the ship (e.g., Large, Huge).
  • frame_type: The frame of the ship (e.g., Wood, Iron).
  • improvement: Description of any ship improvements.
  • price: Cost of the ship in gold.
  • improvement_price: Cost of improvements in gold.
  • space: Total space on the ship.
  • decks: Number of decks.

Crew Details

  • pilot: The name of the pilot or captain.
  • crew_size: Number of crew members.
  • passengers: Number of passengers the ship can carry.


  • piloting_dc: DC for the piloting check (Sailing Lore).
  • extra_dc: Additional piloting DC checks (if applicable).
  • extra_dc_value: The DC value for additional checks.
  • speed: Ship speed in feet.
  • other_speed: Alternate speed information (e.g., wind-based speed).
  • turn_rate: How much the ship can turn.
  • control_helm: Type of helm for ship control.
  • day_speed: Ship's speed per day in miles.

Combat Stats

  • ac: Armor Class (AC).
  • ac_bonus: Any bonuses to the AC.
  • fort: Fortitude save bonus.
  • fort_bonus: Any additional Fortitude bonuses.
  • hardness: Ship hardness.
  • hp: Ship's hit points (HP).
  • hp_bonus: Any additional HP bonuses.

Weapon Mounts

  • bow_mount: Type of weapon mounted at the bow.
  • bow_count: Number of weapons mounted at the bow.
  • port_mount: Type of weapon mounted on the port side.
  • port_count: Number of weapons mounted on the port side.
  • starboard_mount: Type of weapon mounted on the starboard side.
  • starboard_count: Number of weapons mounted on the starboard side.
  • stern_mount: Type of weapon mounted at the stern.
  • stern_count: Number of weapons mounted at the stern.


  • siege_engine_proficiency: Proficiency level for siege engines.
  • bow_weapon: Type of weapon mounted at the bow.
  • bow_ranged: Ranged bonus for the bow weapon.
  • bow_range: Range increment of the bow weapon (in feet).
  • bow_damage: Damage dealt by the bow weapon.
  • port_weapon: Type of weapon mounted on the port side.
  • port_ranged: Ranged bonus for the port weapon.
  • port_range: Range increment of the port weapon (in feet).
  • port_damage: Damage dealt by the port weapon.
  • starboard_weapon: Type of weapon mounted on the starboard side.
  • starboard_ranged: Ranged bonus for the starboard weapon.
  • starboard_range: Range increment of the starboard weapon (in feet).
  • starboard_damage: Damage dealt by the starboard weapon.
  • stern_weapon: Type of weapon mounted at the stern.
  • stern_ranged: Ranged bonus for the stern weapon.
  • stern_range: Range increment of the stern weapon (in feet).
  • stern_damage: Damage dealt by the stern weapon.
  • ram: Information on the ship's ram.
  • ram_hp: Hit points of the ram.
  • ram_bonus: Additional HP for the ram.
  • ram_hardness: Hardness of the ram.


  • plunder_amount: Amount of plunder.
  • plunder_bulk: Bulk of the plunder.
  • rations_amount: Amount of rations.
  • rations_bulk: Bulk of the rations.
  • ammo_bolts: Number of bolts (ammunition).
  • ammo_fuel: Amount of fuel.
  • ammo_shots: Number of shots.
  • ammo_stones: Number of stones (ammunition).
  • rope_length: Length of rope in feet.
  • rope_bulk: Bulk of the rope.


  • notes: Any additional notes or information about the ship.

Latest version 1.1

Released 1 week ago

  • Replaced obsolete background image