Profile Skylark

Larger pictures in Dashboard

Larger pictures in Dashboard

134 21

This allows you to adjust the picture size on your dashboard.default size is 250px but you can change that by  ...

New Dashboard

New Dashboard

24 8

Idea is to have the Dashboard look  like even tiles then change shape when the screen is wider or on smaller d ...

Skylarks Theme

Skylarks Theme

29 7

If you are tired of overly bright or dark themes you may want to try this one out.You can choose your own colo ...



4 6

This is a different take on Vertical Timelines made by Salvastos, using his core idea but trying to retain mor ...

New List

New List

13 4

A New list layout with the picture imbedded in to the bar.Elements now work like button is you don't have to h ...

Less Button Clutter

Less Button Clutter

12 3

Goal is to keep as much of the screen space for content, this is done by reducing the size of the buttons and ...

Choose Your Colors

Choose Your Colors

4 2

Change the color of your campaign.