Savage Worlds Character Sheet

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This is a character sheet for use with Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (otherwise known as SWADE) from Pinnacle Entertainment Group.  It can also be used for older editions, although it wasn't specifically designed for it. Since Savage Worlds is a system that allows for a lot of different worlds and genres, I've tried to make the character sheet as customizable as possible. If you feel something is missing, please contact me and let me know. The German translation is done with lots of help from umog.

Charisma, Conviction, and Campaign-Specific Stats

Playing the Deluxe edition and need to add Charisma to the character sheet? Playing a game of Interface Zero and want to have the Strain stat for your augments?  Need to add your ETU student's major, or your cleric's deity from Pathfinder? You can set up to six custom stats: three in the flavor section (where the character's name and race is shown) and three in the derived stats section (next to Pace, Parry, and Toughness).

To set a custom flavor stat, use the attributes Custom_Flavor_Stat1 through 3. The attribute value should be the label for the stat first, and the value to show second, separated by a pipe character or horizontal line, like so:

  • Custom_Flavor_Stat1 - Conviction|2
  • Custom_Flavor_Stat2 - Deity|Nethys

To set a custom derived stat, use the attributes Custom_Derived_Stat1 through 3:

  • Custom_Derived_Stat1 - Iconic Framework|Techno-Wizard
  • Custom_Derived_Stat1 - Charisma|+2


If your character has other than 3 Wounds, you can set it using Max_Wounds. You can track your character's current state using the attributes Wounds and Fatigue.  The character sheet will automatically mark off the correct wounds or fatigue on the health track, and mark if your character is incapacitated.


Skills are normally listed first with the core skills, then the remaining skills in alphabetical order. If you prefer to have your core skills sorted with all of the other skills, set the attribute _alphabetize_skills to true. All skills are listed in the attributes starting with Sk_ to find them more easily. If a skill is not set or has no value, it will not display on the character sheet. If you want to add custom skills, you can have up to ten. Use the attributes Sk_Custom1 through Sk_Custom10. Each attribute should have three parameters separated by a pipe character or horizontal line: the name of the skill, the rank of the skill, and the abbreviation for the associated stat. For example:

  • Sk_Custom1 - Focus|d8|Spi
  • Sk_Custom2 - Language (Dwarven)|d6|Sma

Custom skills can also be used for Languages in a campaign with the Multiple Languages setting rule.


Powers can be added in one of two ways: using a multiline attribute, or individual attributes for each power. To add Powers to your character sheet with a multiline attribute, simply use the attribute Powers_Multiline. If you'd rather add individual powers, you can add up to twenty using the attributes Power1 through Power20. The attributes need to have the values for name, PP cost, range, duration, and effect/description, each separated by a pipe character or horizontal line. Some examples:

  • Power1 - Empathy|1|Smarts|5|Opposed roll vs Spirit to add +2 to social attacks for the Duration of the power
  • Power2 - Arcane Arrow of Allimaansh|1|Smarts x 2 (16)|Instant|2d6 damage

When setting powers, make sure to use the multiline attribute or the individual attributes, but not both.

Characters that have a Max_PP set will also see a Power Point track on their character sheet.


Gear is a simply multiline attribute to list items. You can also set the character's funds and total weight of carried.


Weapons can either be listed under Gear, or as individual items with separate attributes. To add individual weapons to your character sheet, use the attributes Weapon1 through Weapon20. Each attribute needs to have either eight or four parameters, depending on if the weapon is a ranged weapon or melee weapon. For ranged weapons, the values are the weapon name, range, rate of fire, damage, armor piercing value, number of shots, weight, and effects/notes are separated by a pipe character. For melee weapons, the values are just the name, damage, weight, and effects/notes. For example:

  • Weapon1 - Weapon1 Laser Pistol|15/30/60|2d6|2|1|50|2|none
  • Rapier - Rapier|Str+d4|2|Parry+1

Error Messages

If any of the attributes with multiple values (Custom skills, weapons, powers, etc.) doesn't have the expected number of values, then you will see an error message on the character sheet next to that attribute letting you know.

Customizing Colors

Turn on a dark mode version of the character sheet by setting the attribute _dodarkmode to true. (Idea stolen from Dschäykib's D&D 5e template, which was in turn influenced by Theycallmemax's plugin.)

If you want to get more advanced, you can use CSS to change the colors of different components, and even use colors from theme builder.

Under you campaign settings, go to Theming and click the "New Style" button. Copy and paste this CSS:

.swade-char-sheet {
  --swade-marked-color: red; /* For marking power points, wounds, and fatigue */
  --swade-header-text-color: var(--body-text, hsl(var(--bc)/var(--tw-text-opacity))); /* Header font color */
  --swade-header-bg-color: hsl(var(--bc)/0.25); /* Background color for headers */
  --swade-header-border-color: hsl(var(--bc)/var(--tw-text-opacity)); /* Border color under headers */
  --swade-underline-color: hsl(var(--bc)/0.3); /* Underline color */
  --swade-border-color: hsl(var(--bc)/1); /* Other border colors */
  --swade-die-color: hsl(var(--bc)/1); /* Color for dice */
  --swade-die-on-color: red; /* Color for selected/on dice */
  --swade-background: none; /* Background color for entire character sheet */
  --swade-text: var(--body-text, hsl(var(--bc)/var(--tw-text-opacity))); /* Text color */

These are the default colors, but you can change any of them you want. If you want to use some of the same colors from theme builder, here are the more common values:

Accent: hsl(var(--a)/1);

Error: hsl(var(--er)/1);

Primary: hsl(var(--p)/1);

Success: hsl(var(--su)/1);

Latest version 1.4

Released 11 months ago


  • Skills are sorted alphabetically, regardless of language or any custom skills.
  • Each custom skill is now saved under one attribute, instead of three.
    • Instead of using Sk_Custom01_Name, Sk_Custom01_Rank, and Sk_Custom01_Attr, only one attribute is used: Sk_Custom1 (note there's no zero). The name, rank, and attribute are separated by a pipe character, like so: Focus|d8|Spi
    • Custom skills will still work with the old multi-attribute setup, but are deprecated.
  • Custom flavor stats and derived stats are now saved under one attribute, instead of two.
    • Instead of using Custom_Flavor_Stat01_Label and Custom_Flavor_Stat01_Value, only Custom_Flavor_Stat1 is used. The label and value are separated by a pipe character, like so: Grit|1
    • Instead of using Custom_Derived_Stat01_Label and Custom_Derived_Stat01_Value, only Custom_Derived_Stat1 is used. The label and value are separated by a pipe character, like so: Iconic Framework|Techno-Wizard
    • The old multi-attribute custom derived stats and custom flavor stats will still work, but are deprecated.
  • Powers are now set under one attribute, instead of up to five separate attributes. You can have twenty Powers now, up from ten.
    • Instead of using Power01_Name etc, only Power1 is used. The power name, PP cost, range, duration, and effect/description are separated by a pipe character, like so: Empathy|1|Smarts|5|Opposed roll vs Spirit to add +2 to social attacks for the Duration of the power.
    • The old multi-attribute power attributes and multi-line power attribute will still work, but are deprecated.
  • Weapons are now set under one attribute, instead of up to eight separate attributes. You can have twenty Weapons now, up from ten.
    • Instead of using Weapon01_Name etc, only Weapon1 is used. The weapon name, range, rate of fire, damage, armor piercing value, number of shots, weight, and effects/notes are separated by a pipe character, like so: Laser Pistol|15/30/60|2d6|2|1|50|2|none
    • Melee weapons can be written with just the name, damage, weight, and effects/notes: Rapier|Str+d4|2|Parry+1
    • The old multi-attribute weapon attributes will still work, but are deprecated.
  • If the new attributes with multiple values is missing a value, then an error message will appear on the character sheet.