Latest version 0.3
Released 6 months ago
An interactive, responsive Daggerheart character sheet that can be used to track numbers during sessions as well as level-up perks between games. Its design closely resembles that of the official sheet, with a few liberties taken to make it easier to adapt to mobile devices. The following elements are interactive and can be live-edited:
Everything else should be updated in the Attributes form.
The sheet has basic support for multiclassing. If you pick a multiclass, an additional section will be added after Class Feature to list the chosen class, domain and feature. All class and item features support HTML formatting.
You can also track your level-up perks at the bottom of the sheet (this is only editable on the rendered sheet to reduce the number of attributes needed).
The minimum recommended screen width for mobile is 360 pixels, though the sheet should remain usable on narrower devices. Note that it uses variable Web fonts, which are not supported by Internet Explorer. Android devices support them only from Oreo (8.x) and up. On these older devices or browsers, some text that should be bold will appear light instead.
Tips are also always very appreciated!
Released 6 months ago